Thursday, 4 December 2008

Reasons why we struggle to accept grace from God part 1

We have been well trained in the world's system of 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' or we could say 'do good get good do bad get bad' from a very early age we've learned that if we behave well then we are rewarded and when we don't there is punishment of some kind. It is true that there was a time when man related to God in that way but what Jesus did at the cross has totally revolutionised the man God relationship. He took the punishment for our misbehaviour past, present and future and then gave us the same right standing with God that he has. There is only one response to this - 'oh thank you, i receive what you've done as a free gift' (or similar!) and we CONTINUE in that same attitude knowing that there is nothing we do or don't do that will effect how pleasing we are to God because of Jesus. If you need the relevant scriptures i will give them to you, just too many to put here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the more we realise and get a revelation on this the easier it is to 'love your neighbour'. As we realise how much we have been forgiven the minor offences we twitter on about become so insignificant especially as we focus on His view and opinion. The realisation of this produces real fruit of love and forgiveness towards others.