Thursday, 4 December 2008

'Faith' governs the new covenant and 'works' governs the old

The only response to 'Thou shalt...' is your effort, the emphasis is 'you' so it's all down to what you either do or don't do, it's a work that you must accomplish.

The only response to the gospel of grace (the good news about the undeserved favour of God that places you into everlasting right standing with God and all the benefits that this produces) is faith, which is basically trust. We trust that it is true and rest in it continually.

The two covenants are in contrast with each other therefore you can tell which one you are under by this simple flow chart! hee!

Law - works - Continual striving to be pleasing to God - Tired
Grace - faith - Resting in his finished work - At peace with God

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